Dill Soup with Drop Dumplings {Zupa koperkowa i lane kluski}

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Polish Dill Soup with Drop Dumplings {Zupa koperkowa i lane kluski}

Hello my hungry friends, Polish Dill Soup with Drop Dumplings

Today, I’m presenting you with a simple Polish soup made with a fragrant herb that is so easily accessible everywhere: dill. This easy and quick recipe will deliver an aromatic and creamy soup that can be prepared in under 20 minutes!

I’m also adding drop dumplings “kluski lane” to my soup. “Kluski lane” are made by pouring a thin batter right into the soup. They cook in the broth and give it a bit of texture and flavor. I’ve also garnished the soup with garlic croutons and pumpkin seeds, for added flavor. ings

Dill Soup with Drop Dumplings

Polish Dill Soup with Drop Dumplings {Zupa koperkowa I lane kluski}

  • Yields: 8 servings
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes


  • 2 qts / 2 l of vegetable or meat stock (or leftover chicken soup)
  • 4-5 tbsp of fresh dill, chopped
  • ¾ c / 175 ml of heavy cream
  • 2 tbsp of all-purpose flour (or more for a thicker soup)
  • A couple of pieces of bread for croutons
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Pumpkin seeds for garnish
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp of all-purpose flour
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Bring stock to boil, add dill. Mix cream and flour well, no lumps. Add about ¼ cup of hot broth to cream / flour mixture to temper it, mix well. Repeat twice. Add mixture to soup. Bring to boil and keep on simmer.

  2. To make dumplings, place egg in a medium bowl and whisk for about a minute until small bubbles form. Add a pinch of salt and flour, one tablespoon at a time. Whisk to combine.

  3. Pour dumpling batter into soup in a thin stream. Whisk in soup to break up. Bring to boil.

  4. Toast bread and rub with garlic clove. Cut into croutons and garnish the soup right before serving. Add pumpkin seeds for extra flavor.


Double the dumplings recipe for thicker soup.

Drop dumplings are a great addition to all soups. Poles eat it with chicken soup, tomato soup or chilled fruit soup

Happy cooking and smacznego!


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  1. I was planning to make ogorkowa tomorrow and bought a bunch of dill (to garnish) just 10 minutes ago. Now that I’ve seen this it might be dill soup instead. I love dill, and I love lane kluski.

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