Rye Bread Starter {Zakwas Żytni}
This bread starter can be used to bake rye sourdough bread or to make the very delicious Żur – rye flour soup, served with pieces of sausage and a hard-boiled egg – my 10 year old’s personal favorite. As intimidating as it may sound, this is a very simple recipe. It will take you about 40 seconds a day for about 7 days.
Rye Bread Starter {Zakwas Żytni}
- Rye flour
- Water
- A qt jar of other ceramic container
Place your jar in a large pot and fill with cold water until covered. Place on medium heat and let the water come up to a slow boil. Turn off and let cool. Take out when cool. Your glass is now ready.
With a clean utensil measure out and place in the clean glass (it's ok if it's a little wet) 5 tablespoons of rye flour and 5 tablespoons of previously boiled (but not hot) water. Mix well. Cover with a cheese cloth and leave on the counter.
24 hours later (day 1) you should see the mixture bubble. Add 5 tablespoons of rye flour and 5 tablespoons of boiled (not hot) water.
Repeat for 7 days.
You may bake with it right away (after 7 days), or store in the fridge with the lid on. It will store for ever. When you’re ready to bake, place on the countertop and let it come up to room temperature. After using some of it, add equal parts of rye flour and boiled (cool) water and leave on the counter for 24 hours.
Once a week has passed and you store it in the refrigerator, do you need to feed it weekly? Or only when you use some?
You will only replenish after you take some away. Leave on the counter for a day or two after adding fresh flour. Refrigerate after that.
During the 7 days are you discarding any of the starter or just adding to it?