Polish-style galantine {galantyna}

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Polish-style chicken galantine {galantyna}

Chicken galantine was served only on special occasions in my home. There is a possibility that it was invented when cold-cuts were hard to get in Poland. The typical log shape resembles a store-bought variety, but it is so much tastier, in my opinion. It is perfect when garnished with mustard or spicy horseradish with beets. As far as I can remember, the dish was prepared mainly around Easter. I love to eat it with bread, as a homemade cold-cut. 


Chicken galantine

To make this recipe, you will need:
  1. A sharp knife
  2. String for trussing
  3. Cheese cloth

Polish-style galantine {galantyna}

  • Yields: 6–8 portions
  • Prep Time: 30–40 minutes
  • Cook Time: 2 hours


  • 1 whole chicken (about 2 kg / 4 lbs)
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 tsp of pepper
  • 1 tsp of paprika
  • 2–3 Tbsp of chopped parsley
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 small-medium parsley root and a few fresh parsley twigs
  • 1/4 of celery root or 2 celery stalks
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 small onion burnt over open flame or on a dry pan
  • 5–6 whole peppercorns and allspice berriess (each)
  • 3–4 bay leaves
  • Additionally:
  • 1 tsp of salt


  1. With a sharp knife, cut around the leg bottoms to sep- arate the skin from the "knuckles". Cut around the thick part of the wing to separate the skin from the rest of the wing. Slide your fingers in between the skin and the meat of the whole chicken to loosen it. Help yourself with a small knife to separate any connective tissue. Try not to puncture through the skin. Pull the skin off the chicken. Find the thinest part of the skin and cut through it to lay out flat.

  2. Cut away the wings and neck and debone the chicken. Place wings, neck, and bones in a oblong pot. To the pot, add carrots, parsley root, celery root/stalks, garlic cloves, burnt onion, peppercorns and allspice, and bay leaves. Set aside.

  3. Cut away a few (6–8) pieces of breast and thigh and cut into long strips. Cut the rest of the meat into large cubes and put through a meat grinder or chop in a food processor.

  4. To ground up meat, add salt, pepper, paprika, parsley and mix to incorporate.

  5. Lay out the skin and spread half of the ground meat mixture on top of it. Next, lay out the pieces of cut away meat and then the rest of the ground meat mixture. Fold three of the sides of the skin over the meat and then start rolling to form a log (see photos). Use trussing string to tie around the top of the roll and make a knot. Next, tie around the roll as shown on the photos.

  6. Place the roll on top of a cheese cloth and roll tightly.

  7. Place the roll on top of a cheesecloth and roll tightly. Place the roll in a pot with veg- gies and bones, cover with water, add 1 teaspoon of salt and cover the pot. Start heat- ing on high. When it comes to a boil, turn heat to low and simmer for 1 hour.

  8. Take out and cool completely on the counter and then for at least 2 hours in the fridge (best if overnight). Slice and serve with bread.

Even though this recipe is a bit time consuming, it is very worth spending the time. 

Hope you try it soon, and if you do, please share your results in my Facebook group: Polish Your Kitchen – Made by You – link here. 

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