Polish Fried Pork Cutlets {Kotlet Schabowy}

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Polish Fried Pork Cutlets {Kotlet Schabowy}

Pork cutlets – Kotlety schabowe [coh-tleh-ty s-hah-boh-veh] are probably one of the most popular meat dinner dishes in Poland. Hard to come by in my early childhood thanks to the “care” of our government, was a sign of prosperity and luck. Prosperity, because it was quite expensive and luck, because it took some connections or pure luck to score some at the butcher. Reserved for special occasions or Sunday dinners once meat became available, now continues to be a tasty reminder of what democracy can bring.

It’s popularity can be measured by how many kitchens had/have a miniature butcher block just for the purpose of pounding the pork chops to its thin form. About 10 in cube on wooden legs would find a permanent spot in the tiniest kitchen. If you lived in an apartment building, you would hear it being used, most likely on a Sunday, and knew right away, what’s for dinner.

Pork Cutlets

Polish Fried Pork Cutlets {Kotlet Schabowy}

  • Yields: 6 cutlets
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes


  • About 1 lb / 500 g of boneless pork loin
  • Salt & pepper
  • 2 large eggs
  • ¾ c / 135 g of bread crumbs
  • 1⁄3 c of pork lard for frying
  • Meat tenderizer


  1. Slice pork loin into 6 thick slices. Pound each slice to about ¼ inch / 0.5 centimeter thickness. I like my pork chops relatively small, so after pounding it out, I cut each one in half. Sprinkle each cutlet with salt and pepper on each side.

  2. Break eggs into a shallow bowl and whisk with a fork. Place bread crumbs in another shallow bowl.

  3. Heat about 3 tablespoons of pork lard in a large pan. Dip each pork chop in the egg to cover, then in bread crumbs.

  4. Fry for about 2-3 minutes on each side on medium heat, until golden brown.

  5. Serve immediately with a side of boiled potatoes garnished with dill and a favorite Polish salad.


I recommend cucumber salad or cold beetroot salad - recipes for both are available on my blog!

I like kotlety schabowe served with potatoes and a side of a cold salad, like cold beet root salad or mizeria.

Happy cooking and sharing!



ps. here, also a video about how to make a “kotlet” sandwich

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  1. I just made your wonerful “Sunday dinner,” with pork cutlets, boiled potatoes with dill and sauerkraut salad. It was delicious!

    May I suggest that you find some way that your followers can post pictures of recipes of yours they made? Cooks love to show off what they make, it creates a feeling of shared community and it shows everyone how good and easy your recipes are. Thanks!

  2. I love your story about how special pork cutlets were when you were younger. Our neighbors had calves and made veal a lot when they couldn’t afford pork.

  3. Anna, these cutlets look so easy and good, everything looks delish! I was wondering if these cutlets could be done in my air fryer?I love “Friday, Kitchens Closed”, it really takes me to places I would love to travel to, but probably would never be able to visit in real time. Mark, I also want to thank you for your service, my Dad was in the Navy for 21 years, Boatsins Mate (not sure if spelling is correct)1st class.Take care, God Bless.

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