Hello my hungry friends!
As fans of Polish food blogs, I am writing to let you know that Lois from “Polish Housewife” blog and I are teaming up for an “ask me anything” session. We thought it would be fun to do a joint project, and taking reader questions seems like a good place to start. We’re all spending a lot of time at home, on video chats, so why not?
Lois and I have a lot in common:
- We’ve both lived in Poland and the United States. Our husbands both had careers in the US military. I grew up in Poland and first came to the USA as an exchange student, years after, married an American military man, so I spent many years in the United States (17, to be exact). Since my husband’s retirement, we’ve moved our Polish-American family to Poland. Lois’ husband worked in Poland for 5+ years as a civilian contractor with the Polish Air Force. An exciting adventure that followed his career as an F-1 6 pilot.
- We both write Polish food blogs, but we’re coming at it from different perspectives. I have always eaten these foods and learned to prepare them from my grandma and other family members. I honor her memory by preparing these dishes for my family and sharing them with you. Even though Lois didn’t have much experience with Polish food until she moved to Poland when her husband began working there, it quickly became her favorite. She was a new food blogger at the time and wanted to share all of the wonderful dishes she was learning with others. She delivers an interesting point of view and a curious approach to Polish cuisine.
- We’ve both self-published cookbooks. In both of our cases, the plan for self-publishing morphed as our projects progressed.
We’ll be sharing up a recipe while we’re chatting too. Each of us with her own take.
This is what we’re asking of you! SUBMIT A QUESTION or a TOPIC on which you’d like us to expand. While Lois and I have been acquainted for a few years, our conversations have always been by Facebook messenger. I think we’ll have plenty to say to each other when we speak, “in person”, but we want to make sure we’re hitting the topics that are of special interest to you.
By May 19th, please give us your input. You can leave it in a comment below, on our blogs, on Facebook, or Instagram. You can email Lois at lois@polishhousewife.com, and I have a comment form under “contact me” on my website, whatever is easiest.
We will stream our video conversation on Tuesday, May 26th, right after Memorial Day in the USA.
I hope to hear from you!
Anna & Lois
*** UPDATE***
Full video here:
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When making pierogi with intention of freezing, is it best to boil first or freeze before cooking?
When making pierogi with intention of freezing, is it best to boil first or freeze before cooking?
Hi Ladies,
Interested in all the different regions of Poland and their respective foods. Is there a breakdown of regional foods? Thank you.
Great question. Noted 🙂
What time is tasting, but seriously, I ordered your cookbook and am awaiting its arrival.
question, Mon used to make creamed cucumbers but left no recipes and she was a very good polish cook. Do you have any recipes for creamed cukes?
Dennis, we both do. Link to my recipe: https://www.polishyourkitchen.com/polishrecipes/polish-cucumber-salad-mizeria/ and here is a link to Lois’ recipe: https://polishhousewife.com/mizeria-polish-cucumber-salad/
We can chat about our proces too when we talk.
I will be posting a video to my YouTube channel about how to make cucumber salad on this coming Monday. Hope you watch! 🙂
As a 3rd generation Polish-American, I struggle to keep my family’s traditions alive. I love both your and Lois’ blogs to help fill in the gaps since my Mother has passed. My questions is, how do Polish people see these Polish-American variations of traditions? The pride is strong, but the traditions are not exactly the same. What are some of the major differences you have seen, in food and traditions?
Janie, that’s a great question. I look forward to chatting about this with Lois. 🙂
I would love to make sour rye bread at home like our Polish bakery in Michigan, 1200 miles away from where I live in Florida and I’m looking but not finding a recipe. Do you know of any? Also, I have been looking forever for a recipe to make the light cheesecake we used to buy years ago at our Polish bakery. It was about 3-4 inches high and spongy and light but very tasty. They used to make a large pan, and sell it in squares. Thank you very much. I love your recipes and have made many with excellent results.
I have made Pierogis for 30 or 40 years using the Frugal Gourmet’s recipe. Lately they have turned out tuff and chewy. So I went looking for a new recipe, then I remembered you. I thought, she’s at least Polish. I had made your Dill Pickle soup and liked it very much, so I went to your Youtube channel I watched it realizing it was the recipe I was using. But your technique was different with dry ingredients in the bowl first, then warm water not cold and Baking Soda added. I tried it. They came out great, I thank you and my family does too.
Soon we will be moving from Australia to Poland and I’m interested in a knife brand suggestion!
Also, your preference of kitchen stores please.
I am trying to find the ceramics you shared on your Golompki video. I liked bought Midnight LCE nd Take me Home from Polishceramic.com but can’t find them on their site. Any advice?
Krystyna Murphy(Kwiecinski)
I am trying to find the ceramics you shared on your Golompki video. I liked bought Midnight LCE nd Take me Home from Polishceramic.com but can’t find them on their site. Any advice?
Krystyna Murphy(Kwiecinski)
Send Ania a message via her website or Facebook. She will let you know when they will be available.
Hello! I am struggling to find how to spell the name of a bread recipe handed down to my mother from my grandmother. My mom would make this at Christmas. It’s pronounced Ko-watts. It had poppyseeds and a type of cottage cheese type of topping and was not a sweet bread.. very light in color.. can you help me? My mother lost all our recipes in a very big move and I can’t find a recipe.
I think it’s „kołacz”. Polish version is made with yeast cake, not too sweet.
Do you have a recipe for “City Chicken”?
Love your videos!!
Hi Jillian, what’s city chicken?
Hi Anna i am new to your site , and got tears in my eyes when i saw a recipe for your cucumbers in the big jar , my mom passed away and i remembered her 2 day cucumbers and yes your right we couldn’t keep our hands out of the jar , now your the only person that i finally found with excactly how my mom made them ,gosh i copied this recipe in a hurry, so happy ty ty ty ty. there is one more recipe i just cant find that she called them kluski, but she made them with raw potatoes that were grated like platski , i saw her put in a cheese cloth and squeeze out the potato water and saved the starch, she added egg, and flour , i cant remember the whole recipe but she made balls with the dough ,then boiled them , she fried them later with onions and butter ,gosh they were my favorite , did you ever hear of this recipe and would you plz if you know what they are make them on video I WOULD BE SOO GRATEFUL ,i have never seen this Recipe on the internet ,keeping my fingers crossed that you heard of this recipe ,i have been looking, for this recipe for years again ty ty ty ty for your site glad to be here so much .
Hi Krysia! I’m pretty sure you are talking about “szare kluski” meaning “gray dumplings”. They are made of raw potatoes, egg and flour mixture. They turn gray because of the raw potatoes, thus called “grey”. I don’t have a recipe published for them, but will add it to my list. Stay around and keep cooking! 😉