Homemade Noodles {Makaron Domowy}
Making homemade pasta was a weekly event in my family home when I was growing up. I’m not sure if that was an effect of necessity or habit. Makaron domowy [mah-kah-rhon doh-moh-vyh] HAD TO be served with Sunday rosół {chicken soup} or it didn’t feel special.
I knew the routine, babcia Stasia would roll out the dough into thin rounds, I’d cut long strips to be inserted into the pasta cutter, then we worked in tandem, one would feed the strips and crank the cutting mechanizm and the other would catch the cut noodles and spread them on the large wooden pastry board.
I didn’t need instructions, I’ve seen it done so many times I could do it with my eyes closed. A batch would then be boiled and served with chicken soup {rosół} and the rest would be laid out to dry. Once the pasta dried, it was stored in a shoe box lined with paper. Enough past was produced to last through the upcoming week or two. As soon as we were out, the process would be repeated all over again.
This kind of dedication to the process and the product is what allowed me to become so familiar with home cooking. Watching my family members repeatedly create delicious dishes took the mistery out of cooking, and provided a sense of ease when putting dishes together. There is a lot of “wiggle room” in cooking, and so many different directions you can go with just one dish. So please, take it from me: cook a lot, make mistakes, involve your kids and enjoy the results.

Homemade Soup Noodles {Makaron Domowy}
- 3 c / 375 g of all-purpose flour
- 3 whole eggs
- 1 tsp of salt
- 6-8 tbsp of warm water
- More flour for rolling
Combine all ingredients until a dough forms, roll out thin and cut into strips of about 6 inches / 15 centimeters wide.
Let strips dry a bit, for about 10 minutes.
Flour each strip heavily and roll into a tube. Flatten tube and slice into a desired thickness.
Boil right away in salted water for 3-5 minutes OR spread in a single layer on a well-floured surface and let dry (uncooked) until completely dry, for at least 24 hours.
Move pasta around a few times to prevent sticking.
Store in a non-airtight container.
When ready to consume, boil in salted water as you would store-bough pasta.
Uncooked / dried pasta will store for weeks. Keep in a breathable container.
Homemade noodles go well with homemade chicken soup, tomato soup or any soup that you would serve pasta with.
We would also make scrambled eggs with homemade noodles. Amazingly, it tastes exceptionally well.
Check out the list of my favorite kitchen tools below.
In the video below I demonstrate how I make chicken soup with homemade noodles. To skip the making of the soup, fast-forward to minute 7:39.
I have decided that I want to start making homemade noodles, and this post inspired me to really start doing it. I’ve made egg noodles once and it wasn’t too hard — I would love to make it a habit as it was in your family. Thank you for the post, and your blog is hands-down my favorite cooking blog.
I hope you do! Thank you so much!! 🥰❤️
Wish I could get parsnips here in the Philippines. To hot to grow them.